5 Ways to use Essential Oils In the Laundry Room

5 Ways to use Essential Oils In the Laundry Room
The benefits of essential oils have been making their way around the interwebs for some time, so this isn’t a new craze. Using essential oils for healing, wellness as well as masking terrible odours have been around for centuries. Thankfully, many families are looking for more natural ways to manage their health and scent their homes, so essential oils have made a resurgence.

Postnatal depression rage. Its not just tears

Here’s my experience with the not so common symptom of post natal depression….ANGRY MAMA Many years ago my sister suffered post natal depression and although I don’t know all of her symptoms, I thought that there might be a genetic predisposition for me to experience this also. So after having my babies I checked in […]

Palm oil – what’s the big deal?

Guest Post by the very lovely Marretta from Two-Winged Fruit My name is Maretta, CEO and Founder of Two-winged fruit – Rainforest friendly skincare. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to write a guest blog post for ilovemymates. Two-winged fruit is definitely mates with ilovemymates as we share many things in common! I’d like to […]

The Myth of Occasional Kids Treats

I’m not in the business of writing opinion pieces under normal circumstances. Oddly enough! Considering I have many strongly held opinions about…well pretty much everything HA! But I do have quite a bee in my bonnet about this topic. A big huge buzzing bumblebee! Since having kids, myself, I have been working really hard to limit many things which we […]

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